Does Les Schwab Replace Starters (2025)

1. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions - Les Schwab

  • Les Schwab technicians perform a variety of repair services including flat tire repair, TPMS, brakes, steering and suspension components, and more.

  • Can’t find what you’re looking for? Check here for answers to frequently asked questions.

2. Tire & Auto Services | Car Maintenance & Repair - Les Schwab

  • Tire Repair · Seasonal Changeovers · TPMS Light and Cold Weather

  • At Les Schwab, enhancing your road safety is our priority. Visit your local store or book online to explore our car maintenance and repair services.

3. Car, Commercial, & Specialty Batteries - Les Schwab

  • Need a New Battery? Start Here. · Battery Services and Installation · 60 Battery

  • Our battery services include maintenance, replacement, charging, and testing for cars, boats and marine, motorcycles, and commercial vehicles. Plus, lawn and garden and specialty batteries. Visit your local Les Schwab for batteries and servicing today.

4. Car Won't Start? How to Tell If It's the Battery or Alternator - Les Schwab

5. Les Schwab CV axels damaged after 5 months of install! - Tacoma World

  • Nov 7, 2021 · I purchased a 98 Taco back in April, and immediately had the CV axels replaced through Les Schwab (roast away) because one of them had a torn boot that was ...

  • Hi! New here…also ready to get roasted for this lol. I purchased a 98 Taco back in April, and immediately had the CV axels replaced through Les Schwab...

6. Free Auto Services: Flat Repair, Rotation, & More | Les Schwab

  • Missing: starters | Show results with:starters

  • Les Schwab offers value-added free tire services that go beyond the initial purchase to help you save money down the road. Schedule an appointment today!

7. How to Maintain Your Car While It Sits - Les Schwab

  • Or, it could be an issue with the starter or alternator. Stop by your local Les Schwab with any concerns and we'll check it for free while you wait in your ...

  • While doing your part to Stay Home, Stay Safe, a 5-10 mile drive once a week is a great excuse to get out of the house. Here’s a list of other things to check when your vehicle has been sitting idle.

8. Les Schwab Tire Center - Sensible Driver

  • Les Schwab Tire Center. Address: 830 W Imola AVE, Napa, CA 94559: Get ... Starter System; Steering Systems; Suspension; Timing Belts; Timing Chains; Tire ...

  • Sensible Driver provides news and information about car care, vehicles, safe driving, driving destinations, auto accessories and auto repair. The site contains auto shop reviews and coupon offers for auto-related services. It also publishes an extensive calendar of auto club events.

9. Essential Car Maintenance Before a Road Trip: Checklist & Tips

  • Replace them, or get them replaced, as needed. Clean your side ... The pros at Les Schwab can do a free visual inspection of your shocks and struts.

  • Planning an upcoming road trip? Explore car maintenance and tips that are necessary before a road trip to guarantee smooth sailing and safety on your drive.

10. Need a New Battery? Start Here. - Les Schwab

  • Missing: starters | Show results with:starters

  • At one time, removing your vehicle’s old, dead battery and installing a new one was easy. See why that may not be the case on today’s vehicles.

11. Free Tire Repair Services Near Me - Les Schwab

  • Missing: starters | Show results with:starters

  • Get your flat tire fixed for free at your local store. We’ll patch, plug or repair your flats to get you back on the road quickly & safely in no time.

12. Are Les Schwab Batteries Any Good - Complete Guide - 2024

  • Jul 30, 2024 · Yes, Les Schwab does replace starters. Their experienced technicians can diagnose starter problems and provide replacement services to ensure ...

  • Yes, Les Schwab offers one of the largest and best selections of quality batteries in the West. With many years of experience in battery installation...

13. Les Schwab spinning me yarn about CV axles - Tacoma World

  • Jul 18, 2010 · Obviously I wouldn't do this; heck if they needed to be replaced, I'd do it myself, but I think that they are fine, all it is is that the boot ...

  • Hey guys, tell me what you think. Les Schwab is spinning me this yarn (I'm almost positive) about needing entirely new CV axles; work for which they...

14. More Tire Products & Services - Les Schwab

  • Missing: starters | Show results with:starters

  • From tires chains, suspension solutions and at your site fleet servicing; we have what you need for personal or commercial vehicle.


  • WOULD REPLACE THE LEAGUE CHAMPION COACH FROM THAT SAME. LEAGUE ... Starters: 11 different offensive and 11 different defensive players must start the game.

Does Les Schwab Replace Starters (2025)


Does Les Schwab test starters? ›

If your vehicle isn't starting, we have a quick video on how to give it a jump start. Or, it could be an issue with the starter or alternator. Stop by your local Les Schwab with any concerns and we'll check it for free while you wait in your vehicle. Learn more about how your auto battery works.

Does Les Schwab test alternators? ›

To avoid being stuck on the side of the road or someplace you don't want to be, get a free battery and alternator inspection at Les Schwab. If it's the battery, we'll help you choose the right one for your vehicle. If it's the alternator, we'll make recommendations and help plan your next steps.

Does Les Schwab honor warranty? ›

Should a failure in workmanship or materials occur within 25,000 miles or 36 months (whichever comes first) of the brake service performed, Les Schwab will replace the defective parts and perform the labor, all free of charge. This Full Warranty is honored at hundreds of Les Schwab Tire Centers around the West.

Does Les Schwab replace ball joints? ›

So will repair or replacement of suspension and steering parts — struts, shocks, ball joints, tie rods, bushings or control arms.

What are the symptoms of a bad starter? ›

Signs of a Bad Starter
  • Whirring, grinding, or clicking sounds when trying to start your car.
  • A loud single click while trying to start the vehicle with no engine crank.
  • The instrument cluster, headlights, and radio work normally, but nothing happens when you turn the key.
Apr 19, 2023

Will a bad starter still crank? ›

A defective starter drive can allow the pinion gear to freewheel during engine cranking, resulting in a whirring or whining noise. In most cases, because the pinion gear isn't engaging the flywheel properly, the engine will also fail to crank.

How to start a car with a bad starter? ›

Put it in second gear, then have two or three strong friends push your vehicle. The idea is to get the car rolling at a fairly good clip, then release the clutch while still turning the key. Do it right and your car should start, despite your faulty starter motor.

Can AutoZone test starter and alternator? ›

Yes! Stop in at any AutoZone store for fast, free alternator testing and take control of your vehicle's health. With more than 6,200 AutoZone locations across the United States, AutoZone is your convenient source for fast and free part testing and diagnostic services.

Why does my car struggle to start but runs fine? ›

If your car runs fine but has trouble starting, it could be due to a bad starter, battery, alternator, or fuel pump. Or, it might be as simple as a clogged engine air filter or cold weather. See a mechanic to have your vehicle inspected and repaired if you notice any other symptoms beyond a rough start.

What company bought Les Schwab? ›

Meritage Group, which was launched by billionaire Nat Simons after he left hedge fund Renaissance Technologies in 1997, acquired Les Schwab Tire from its family owners in 2020 in a deal that sources said was worth about $3 billion.

What is the Schwab guarantee? ›

**Schwab Satisfaction Guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied for any reason, at your request Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"), Charles Schwab Bank, SSB ("Schwab Bank"), or another Schwab affiliate, as applicable, will refund any eligible fee related to your concern.

What is the Les Schwab 60 day satisfaction guarantee? ›

*60 DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you are unhappy with your tires within 60 days of purchase and you have worn no more than 2/32” of tread, bring them back and Les Schwab will provide a full credit of the purchase price of the tires towards a new set of tires.

Can Les Schwab replace wheel bearings? ›

Les Schwab Knows Trailers

Stop by Les Schwab and we'll inspect your trailer bearings and brakes. Our pros know how to repack or even replace the bearings, and can get your brakes working like new. Depending on the trailer, we'll check out your suspension too.

Does Les Schwab replace suspension parts? ›

Les Schwab technicians perform a variety of repair services including flat tire repair, TPMS, brakes, steering and suspension components, and more.

Do I need an alignment if I replace a ball joint? ›

There's no denying that it's very important to replace your ball joints when needed. However, it's worth noting that doing that doesn't necessarily mean you need an alignment. The only time you need one after replacing the ball joints is if the previous alignment was performed when ball joints were not in good shape.

Where can I test my starter? ›

Remove the starter and bring it to a nearby AutoZone. We'll test the starter for free, and it only takes 5 minutes. *Free parts testing is subject to location, availability, and vehicle restrictions. Equipment availability and type may vary in store.

Is Charles Schwab good for beginners? ›

Insider considers Charles Schwab to be the best online brokerage overall, as well as one of the best online brokerages for beginners.

Do you have to take the starter out to test it? ›

Bench Testing Your Starter

You'll need to carefully disconnect the starter's wiring, unbolt it, and remove it from the engine block to do further testing. Removing a starter (with or without an attached solenoid) must be done carefully -- including jacking up the vehicle -- to prevent damage or hazards.

What is top wage at Les Schwab? ›

Les Schwab Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$86,000$41
75th Percentile$61,000$29
25th Percentile$40,000$19

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.