NO BOSSISM. Tuesday Fair, warmer. WKpft German Democrats Protest Against McLaughlin's Dictation. RICE PARLOR PIECES. Fnrnitiire Saturday sold 2 of the handsomest Brass-Onyx Parlor Cabinets we had one brought $190, tho other $150.
Foresaw the popularity of these goods and placed duplicate orders for every pi ece of Brass-Onyx Stands and Tableain the dept 3 collection. And such a collection! youll say when 'you see them. To save your time, were going to volunteer the information that theres twice over the assortment of these brass-onyx pieces here that youll see anywhere outside the store in either city. The Brass-Onyx Tables, $12 to $150. The Brass-Onyx Standing Parlor Cabinets, $63 to $190.
Between you and ourselves, these Brass-Onyx Cabinets and Tables are to supersede the Wooden Cabinets. So sincere are we in this avowal that the dozen or so handsome Mahogany Standing Cabinets on hand at present you may have at precisely their ticketed prices. I IIow does your taste ran on im-1 Dally Deceived In Xfjlies The system of selltns every article at a mall profit, bat of a thorough fey re- liable quality. Is a ruling princilo of this firm. 11 of great lanA Sales or CHOICE ORIENTAL ART NOVELTIES Suitable tor Presentation Purposes at The First Japanese MTgani Trading 18, 20 and 22 East 18th St, SEW YORK CITY.
MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHT I JVI fcr ENl Arc flighting, OFFICE, 126 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. MATHEW DEAN, President. EiMMK HOLLID4Y, I ice President G. iUHAKIl (iKYI'Fy Secretary, JAiYIEfi JENSEN, Trees arer.
Incandescent Lighting, Bee trio Motors, Etc. Estimates eiren and contracts taken for arc or ucandescent isolated plants. For pnoes, call at the general office of the company, 126 BROADWAY, Brooklyn, N. Y. RAILROADS NEW YORK CEIJTRAL A Hudson River Railroad.
All Trains arrive at and depart from GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Fourth in. and 42d Hew York. Thc oklt Ruuuud Statiok ix the Citt. Trntns Imvs ns fnllewm 990 A M.
CHICAGO VKSTIBUL LIMITED tine at Chicago lOlOLM next day lOiAOA -SOUUiUKSTUlir VESTIBULE LIMITED Duo Cincinnati 7 Indianapolis 10 SO A. St. Lonts 10 10:50 A tAt IXPBE8S-IUy except Huotiara 4t50 No ill 8H0RR YKSTIBUL LIMITED Due at Detroit at IS A. Chios go 4 'OP next day 6:00 hi -pas WFSTERN EXPRESS Doe Chirago 8 00, CLneinuaU 8 Iff 2L, fit. Louie 7.
Iff 7i30 -ADIRONDACR, MOjfTBAAL AND maoara falls kxpklks. i13 I -FA8T 8T, LOl 18 AND CHICAGO FXPKKms-Dus IndlsnspoUa 11 JO P. M. next dsv, 't Louis 7 ZO a FlHltKILL (NEWBURGH), FOUOHKFEPHIH RHINECI IFF (KINGSTON), Ah HI DSON 1 30. 116 50, tl 1 a.
drt, 3 1 2 F. also for Poughkeepsie 10 JO A 30, 4 4 S'), 6 00, 7 40, 8 15 for Garrison esl Pointy (m io, 1 11.30 A la 30, I 8 ffff, 4.ffff ALBANY 0SO.8 5O 10:20. Ul 80 A M-3 55. A 50, 6-00, ti 'JA 7 30. 8.U P.
J12-00 night. TRoY 80. 18 0.00,7 01) 9 15 to flAOO Bight UTICA A ND 8T RACLHE-fH 30, 0.5O llVO MO 40 I 'IV A 4 V. 0 00. 7:80 0-15 L.
flioo uight BiJCfll p.fR-0.0 10-1, uo-ffo A AL, 4 50, t-0 A MU diOCk 730k BLFFALO-0JO. ID-20, teen Republican clubs to endorse him, and then suggested his to Mr. McLaughlin. The latter received me kindly Mr. Huberty, interrupting Are you talking as a Democrat or Republican? Mr.
Bindnm As a Democrat. McLaughlin said be would recommend beihmlsr, but be didnt. He gave the nomination to Howell and Seth Low was elected Mayor. Mr. Lauten We are here to talk about the protest of the German Democrats against the class of treatment they are receiving.
We demand certain rights, and that is the point I make. Mr Suhr I am with Mr, Lauten. I object to tbe statement made by Mr. Hubertv mac we had no authority to visit Mr. McLaughlin.
This body ot delegates gave such autaoncy to tue Executive Committee, and they made U3 a sub-committee to do tue worlc and report back. Mr. Aedar We are either an organization or not. Let us show it; let us act with expedition. Joseph Straass tbn arose.
He evidently sided wib tLe majority, bat be didnt wuh to hurt Mr. Laugnlius finer feelings, and he is alo tluukuu What will Baldwin suyP' However, he ventured to remark, Tbe Gr mans aio besmirched; thats a fact. All societies used leaders and Mr. McLaughlin is the Democratic leader. He calls himself only a citizen and Democrat, and this is what he sail to our delegation.
Mr. McLaughlin is not the party, but they have found him a statesman, chief and general. We, as Germans, are not invited. Therein lies our weakne'A They laugh at us. Irish Pat comes here with a policemans club hu hand, and his brother Mike follows him and gets another.
When we are united we can accomplish something. Toe committee was directed to go to tbe Boss by Judge Keona to oeg 11 Mi. Lauten was on bis feet in an instant shouting, They did not go to beg. They went to press their claims. Mr.
Strauss paid no particular attention to tbe interruptiou, but wept ou. Wnat do we want? We are American citizens. We are everything except Irih. McLaugulin don 6 recognize any nationality. Wbat is the Democratic General Committee! Composed of officeholders from president to sergeant at arms.
When they havent got officeholders they put in contractors Taerj are not twenty-five taxpavers the whole lot. Tbev have given us German nominees, but not from this organization. That is a chestnut. We shall remain Democrats, but we can consider who are tbe candidates. And then Mr.Btranss referred to fcchungs campaign of long years ago against McLaughlin.
Mr. Huocrty, watchful of tbe Bosss interest The speaker is not speakmg to the subject. Sir. fecrauss ill be through in a minute. If a nomination does not suit ns we shall know waat to do.
The Germans most have certain rights; it not, let us protect, and protest, too, when it will be felt. Mr. Straus last sentecces were heartily applauded Mr Huberty was not asleep. He was extremely vigiiuat. He did not like the ape plausa.
It gave evidence that tho wind was against him. Therefore he said, looking daggers at Mr. Strauss, Mr. Strauss has been rambling. He talks against Democracy.
Mr Btrausi. i did not. Mr. Hubercy: Ye3, you did. Let tbe gen tlemen present, certify to it.
We are here as Democrats to support Democrats, not to slaughter them. Mr. Lauten saw that tbe main question was becomiug involved, and to recall the members to a sense of what they were after, be said he desired to coll their attention to some further remarks made at tne interview with the Boss. He had pointed out to Mr. McLaughlin that out of 700 employees, county and city, not more than twenty to thirty were Germans.
Mr. McLaughlin did not believe this, but thought that be cjuld pick out twenty-five around the City HalL Then Mr Lauten told him that there were fully 30,000 German Democratic voters here, and that they were entit ed to at lea3t 100 places proportionately. McLaughlin would not admit this, but added that the last election was sufficient for the Germans. Bat we demanded emphatio recognition. Mr.
Buhr: Yes, we demanded recognition as Democrats and Germans. Let us vote. The lquitous Hubertv was on his feet again. Parliament iry dodges might befog the voters, tuerorore ha shouted I moe as an amendment to strike out the protesting clause. The motion was lost on an ave and nay vote.
On Mr. Geis' motion ef protest against Me-LnuHlos style of reception of Germau-AmencaQ Democrats, on a standing vote tweuty-nine rose in favor of the motion, twenty-one against it, and President Fuehrer announced it as carried atxui a stamping of feet and a claoping of hands. Mr. Buhr then announced that $50 bad been contributed to the organization funds by Fallerts brewery and $20 by Justice Goetting. 1 ue Weber resolution was referred to the Executive Committee.
Four mass meetings will be beld under tho auspices of the German Democrats during the campaign, while regular meetings of the General Committee will be held every 8undav during tbe months of Bep tember and October at Anon Hall. John bavary, of New York, then addressed the meeting in favor of German Sorted pieces for or against it in favor of it, come devote half an hour inspecting the collection of recently imported French and German Ladies Inlaid Writing Desks, brass An Earnest but Exciting Meeting of Delegates at Arion Hall Yesterday The One-Man Will-Power Denoaaced la Hearty Terms War In the Camp The story of the interview with Boss Me Laufihlin by two prominent German Democrats, which was published in last Thursdays Standard Uniox, was fully corroborated yesterday afternoon ty the statements of Messrs, and Lauten. the gentlemen who bad the conversation, in their report as a sab-committee of tbe Executive Committee of the Gorman Democratic General Committee to tho filll body at Anon HalL be language of Boss McLaughlin to the sub-committee of tbe Grertnau oiemeut was suO-f Stance as follows; Yeurs ago I had to meet just such a cihuulty as that wuicb you Dreeut to me now. it came from tbe strong body of independent Democrats known as and I infused to tout them even at toe expense of the disruption of tbe Democratic jurt) and in reply to tho dtmaniis tne Germans make upon me now, 1 make the same reply. i tua contains, as far os the meaning of language can be construed, an absolute refusal to treat with the Germans as an organization.
As such the sub-committee received it and re ported it, and upon the report toe delegates of the whole body gave voice to an expression of protect against boesisin and SLcUaugalin method! by a vote of 9 to it. In the speeches the Boss was alluded to as a dictator aud absolute controller of the Darao-ratc party, and tbe German protest meant that toey would bave none of it. The meeting was very full, representing the different German societies vuiious sections of tbe city, and was composed of a strongly intelligent body of men, who were thoroughly in earnest and decorous in ail their proceedings, allowing a wide latitude to the SDeakers, ana voting without fear aud in perfect freedom. Xue assemblage of delegates was called to order by Henry Fnehrei, the president, about 3 3d oclock, Julius E. Keinnau, secretary, recording.
The latter read the minutes of tbe lost meeting waich ocured a passage that refen ed toneme business of the Executive Comil ittee, and lu which the expression, lec tue cat out of the bag was used. Mr. Huberty objected to the incautious admission mid the president ordered it stricken out. It (created a ripple of laughter. A resolution was then read, as adopted by the Twenty-first Ward German Democratic Associauoa, Joseph Sanson president, recommending Anton Weber, of the Ninth Ward, tor tbe position of Hhenlf.
The matter was laid over. Mr. Weber is at present a deputy Inspector at the allabout Market, aud has been a standing candidate for "the Shrievalty for tbe past twenty years. Charles Storaieru, of the Sixteenth Ward Reform Ci uo, and Charles D. Traill), Char las Varin aud August broinmer of tne Central Club of the Eighteenth waid were admitted as delegates.
All the preceding business had been quickly dispatched. There was a genuine expectancy of somesning portentous coining, and ASseui-blyman Adum ttchaaff, Peter Paul Huberty, eftrk to tbe Excise Board and Joseph Strauss, father of Baldwin Btrau, counsel to the Health Board, wore watchful and keeueyed. Mr. McLaughlin was not to be stabbed If they could help it, and as they are all excellent German speakers they battled as baldly as tuey could to stem the current. But despite the officeholders efforts, the flood was too strong.
In behalf of the sub-committee who bad visited Mr. McLaughlin, Otto F. Suhr reported that they had called upon Judge Kenua Jtne tune ago, as chairman of the Campaign Committee, and in the course of the conversation he bod advised toem tocafl upon McLaughlin. Lost week Mr. Lauten aud be made the suggested visit.
It was not a pleasant visit to him, either iu contemplation betorehand, at the time, nor since. They met Mr. McLaugh-1 lia at Kerrigans, on Willoughby street ibe interview was entirely personal, there was no De else prcsont.but McLaughlin, Lauten aud himself, No part of it was reported and tbe newspaper reports were garbled (except Tub Btanpabd-Umons, as tho facts will show 'ibe conversation was brief and wholesome. It let a flood of light in upon bun. Mi.
McLaughlin said: i am not as active as I used to be; I take no such interest. If my ad vice i asked 1 give it. To you, geutlemen, I say that the organization of auylhiug outside of the regular committees or organizations is not permissible. The members of the German-Democratic jCommittee by this time were coming forward eager looks upon their faces, and theu Uipdr. Buhr, deliberately calculating the signitU preface of bis words, furtner said: Mr.
trimmed, Parlor Standing Cabi-I Travelling Garments, nets, Etegeres (sort of a petite I reghJar price; chiffonier), Centre Tables, Ped- A' French BraideiJer-estals. Ladies Equipped Sewing Tables. ni' Now, then, for a revelation. Although imported, these goods are going to be $old for less than similar American made furniture secret is, one of the firm while over in Europe this summer I picked them up and there in Paris and Berlin, and saved to us all Intermediary profits. Looking at the tickets they read from $8 to $390 each Fumitors Third Floor.
OF KEW YORK, 4, RAELM TRUST rrsnklin Building, TSS Remsei Strea Capital, 1,000,000. Surplus Over 330,000. AatboriiM bylaw to get aa executor, tmiu vrv trnsto guardian or oomnuueek odor special aovantegos a sc, A LEGAL ld.lO'-ITOHr FOR COCkl Si' NHa, ALLOWS INTERT OV DEPOSITS. T. Offer ila MiTtcaa oa favoraUio terms Tkl t- OP OK 10 HA I OY RFOIXTKHOH IKV.NghKR AoK.VI' TOR IOUPORITIONS OK s.
iiO.VKV OX Ali'RoVKu stcunt- TU Check OB this oompanv will be paid tkreugn tne ork Cltsrxn House. LOW Iff AC CRD, Prwt MX WAI LAC A ice- Preal GLO. IT. SOUTH ard. vice-Pveet aserpw mstEh-3 y.k$ H.
Honchtalln AibroJ Newuu, LronoU lUd leu. K. llorrciah i NYm Msrs'tail ux C.ev iiUrttt, liO. 11 it A Real. Thotlore Droler.
A Lew, Edwth Packard John in ow, A Hauicgum, Darwin Jai. exander E. )rr, Brown. John H- WltOklward, m. AVaLuo FrunkUa A Taylor, Tn Nassau Trust Co.
lOl Broadway, Jirooldvn. Cupitivl 8500,000. Peposita recetrad on time or entyect to ebeok. Interest aLowe-1 on dai ba an ea aud thtee on depoeiu for a po Iiq A.uboriod uy law to act aa Ktecntor, Ad'ninle. trator, cuarUau, Trusted Iteoeirer t-Vc-el m4 Transfer Agmil and Kegittar ot -I anl Boudw; is a legal depoeitorj ter Trust ff uada and moueva inio couri D.
EKLOCK. lYostlent. WILLIAM Pic I Viik. jou.n TiaioiV RH IC4U0S0N, 8ecretffl IKIBThl-H. Wd.
Dirk. A ltsird. Darwin k. Jamee. 11.
VC Roger. K. TUU A John Trasiow Thoma-i Rowland, Pumas Jewe Wurster. Bernanl Peter. ff Horwtll George H.
Preutiac John Willett, i hsruw Ll KusaeiW John U. WiMHC ff Male, Joseph Kuaox, I A in. uarnoiA A Wheel oek, wanl tiuisL Of(o Huter hn Mi UmcbllE. job. nrsmux.
President. JOSk B. Mb 11 1 feoi rotary. KINGS COUNTY TRUST CO. 373 Fulton Street, orPOSITK CITS U.IU, BltOOKLTT T.
Cable addreis. Kinga Brooklyn. Capital. $500,000. JAA ST BAHAMAS tv.
V. fft H1TK, mo-Pretidenu. leiejiliotie nuieber UrookiyA' Rnrpln, ttfiftO.OOJa INTKHtfeT ALLOirri) tN DLPOfellA ABUfeTl' R8 Junepht, Hsndrl Jeukina If 1C feeb lt naan, ffMhiatn Bain, i hanes coper. Vn am Hartaeafi lorxe itrk ix 0mj blL KsrUn i I ds tf Rugeue 0'iVank Mli R. fe all.
Mirt a Jout WTranaha Bliss, Mc'M vay Abrahata trahaoE Nelson Oato. riiiata Ziegler. p. Med ilium JL Uofetniit falchliiL r.sir.L Vnrthufb V. White.
BEN BLANCIIAKIl, President It. R. toil WIN, hunter MsftsgWff The Empire Loan ami Trust Company, 183 Moutague Street. Cnpitnl Paid I Declared Surpliia IN ESTVEYT'J. First Mortgagee nioa Improved Debenture Bonds paying 0 ft cent, mid 7 peg owl Interest.
Paj able aemt-annuaily at tba BANK OF THE HKFLUMC, N. Wall Bt. N. Y. CHn Heal rnMa TOR PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY, 172 MONTAGUE ST.
CAPITAL (PAID IN) tftOtMMMIftN at itri.ift ...250.000 08 Receive money on deposit, anbect to check at eight, and allows luterea on ilia uni Checks drawn njon it pass through the 2(eg otkcieiruig llivisa JsanOiorired br raw to act ae Ftecutnr, Admin tslratop Gttardtao lruteo Itwelver, tiaeil and Transfer Agent, and a itegislrar ef fetm. aud mmd lotraos money on Bonda and Mortgage and pn other approved ur i if a nlHdRft WlIf.tAM MCBfUA, i rmridaoi FRFDFHiCB A. HcilKOEDh.ll, FlMt Vice I resident If i Hi A( Mouh I'L Hecond Vicd-FfbalAenh BDSt ARD JUHNHON Kiretary I KlHIl kfe ftt Ilham H. Mnrths nwnl M. fenntn, redrrlch A irwe-lec.
erg I 1 rora loiaeJ Mre, ugeiieti hiaektrd Henry J. Cohen, 2r Dsinsi I ewis JirnbU Delimer; Jiartd A Hvvtr Cnrneii is froaclaad, JItn feearlea Jr, lMlore Mm. A- A Brown, re inrio A VN Holoin iarg raugeiaaL A no slot. fft tl raiu U. 1 1 HI.
Harriett, I rterf 3 Kitnba I. I il il Kretrs btnac, ItaikB Marp Hnrnafel ustl wher. THE BROOKLYN TRUST COMPANY, ranter Msslaci and Cllntea Rts Capifil S1.000.000.0J Capital and Surplus S2, 200,000.00 latere Allowed an Dvtatfia, which may be male ibjeot to cheek at sight er re-Dirnalde at titel 'la tea Itevg paw through New ff ork IToava Ik a sale depository Ir fund awaituig iavroft Dent AutlKWlrod by special charter to ant aa eroonmv, triiKtee. aimuiratratur guarlutn entnmKWMv fft ceiver. or ia any oilier poiMn of trust a designated ljost(r fr ourt monies Act aa registrar or transfer ageut of sroek aaf bond a id a truaioe for tairoaI olftsr ourpore lent unit m.
I pon de-mU of cash or approve! ecttruie will gnar-nee travelmw letter of ere fit end poF e4 draft under the sme KIH I 1 AX 7. 4 ll RIRTtNBEN, FreSh AIiiiaM BAff I Ift ICO-Pros JAH. CL RltA H.rotery FKF.DKKICE COLTON As Beoretary. IMtftTrr Joslah o. Taw.
Alex ffff into, A A I AW hael (. hanncey. ffff m. Knlal Edwin Knowitott, jobnT Martin. Joha Plerro pon t.
Gt-'rrg a Keyaotda Joha GlhU. Jrederlrk rom well, oil ll Holfe lirory sneidod Wrt ffff in Male, Ahramfl Barllft lieury ffff MtwoU hJirles Hru, fe Borrorii. ha inoey. ChrfHtiao Christensen LONG ISLAND LOAN TRUST COMPANY. 203 Montaguo Street.
Capital $09 Invented la V. ft Fear Prf lent. Heads at par. A LAltGi: SURPLUS. INTEREST ALLOWED Off DKFOHlTft.
Check ran bedrawn on tin rom piny the sem as on a Bank aol a pit rn hie hreugu he erh I lew ring If ease or if preferrr- rtld wue ef deposit will lie iss'ieil, on tlera ore a hied rate and bearing liiDrrot until pa.d. This oen pan entit wi'-d by cirarver to art ae Trustoe, Exoruter, Administrator ouardran ra nmeeef Mtaua tg ant to arr eat mi 7 atmtiar position of trust. It 1 aa leiiai dajerv itory for aii I rust fund and for mnrr pshl sold 4 ourt. It acta ae Kegratrar ra Transfer Agent lie and bonds and a 7 rustro for fuiinsi ait et her nvwTgage. it guarantees letters of fesld tasued io travaiera tctvwa Charles Pratk.
ThPO.ere ffff liitam M. Ingraham. B-r i Kkitv to iMcknrnuOt feaotnei hi Meakec, J'wph mro, Ilnrv ofltn. Ed Win Bearft V4M MevrIW )uv i 1)44 LutI BariwHi. trnk I yniai Oaorra jtmtf, Dartd (J 1 ax rnwAP.n mkkkii fbJbULItlCKT Al.UJ.UMiC.
J. E. STAlI.r.S CO. X. 21 A Alow mmmr fetrero.
Deemr tn Brootlva sod Yew York tty ftaOrood feterka and I.renktyn aod Few Terk te AlorkauA Bob.i, no Traal imovn hJ imr urooc t-torks Utr tnntr '1 LEGAL FOTICEft. lOlffff COl'KT Kisge aoety 2Krraa W. I fcm44 mt 9 gnt ferahaud A. aad etherv deteedeaf WiUram Greeny raiatiM ttur -4 Court fe, Bruektr In purs soe ef ndgmnat tore eienresnds of Court ia Pre eeDLed tioe Peariog era tue -sth dav ef Bar 1 a sell at puuD ausiioa ay Theasse A I femgaa aot.raror. at the as.rsroomji 13 ffff "isugtiby street, tn the Breovfya.
vk fig '2'th da of fffepiefeirofe- IH) et Vi amuck aeon, the fouewmg droenhea laud end jfem.roe All tkl eerteln Ut piece or parrot ef land sttute iyisg aod being in the ty of eouaty ef King of Now ffork, aad knows aud gnated a asan riled Ik the ntfc the Keg. DSer of hinge Ceuaty Ang'iat 2 137, eotUit-4 mP mt lean late aid past, new the yt on erty of Faooy, iaq ia tne ffff ard of the euvkd Brook iyAeurveyed March litu J8C by Joan hole ae tut Bo 57 ia Bowk I aa said np. and which ia nonaded a feDew. hw ootag at a peat om Ue westerly eras of cintthn4 ferot iitea-t three hvele-f aa4 tweatjr seven frot aid throe tne he Brtherfy from the tvthvfitw eororo ef lemewood strroi aal 1 yrt, mar, and rba tag toeifee west, at rich agoe wi ferMi a hundred Irot nortoertv per ol with mbkiani srt iviif iro-t tbcaee mncfif at nut sages ft mnbrrWl fert bet i lest te uftoon ad Ufe4 eed Iw suUrf jftoeiaod strrot IvibW -l Co MHn ef graarag. the sanserif aa the fag lenee puo 1 'n be a pry wail a.
ff fea 4. ciraKft y. htUAhdakX, haer.g. 10 'Arnold, Constable Co Carpets and FALL IMPORTATIONS now open, embracing the richest and. most varied stock we have ever ex-1 hihited.
OUR UPHOLSTERY STOCK is replete with the newest styles and colorings. At the sama time we offer a large stock of CARPETS AND UPH0L-1 STERY in correct taste at very moderate prices. Broadway and 19th NEW YORK. TIErUNNS LUNAR OIL For Lamps, IRON PRESERVATIVE I For All Kinds nf Iran Wark. M.
Ready-mired Paint In Cans Barrels. J. H. TIEMANN, 88 FI LTO.X 8T. 8mMsuip ANCHOR LINE United States Hall Ateaasra Atlantic Express Mervlca LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENSTOWN.
Steamship City Kerne from Ks Yack SATURDAY, Sent. 20 9 a. Oct 13. 8 A. M.
Saloon, $50 and upwards Second Class, and 35. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. Circassia. Sept 20 8AM kthtopta.
Oct. 4, 10 AM ochoria. Sent 27, 4PM Furnesi Oci. II. 8PM Cabin passage to Glasgow or Loatou deny, and Seoond-clasa, $40, Steerage $40 This steamer sails from Anchor line piers, Prentice Stores, Brooklyn.
Traveler Circular Letters of Credit, and Drafts lor any Amount issued at iowosc oorrent rate Tor Books of Tours, Tickets or farther Informal! to. HKNDKHBOST BROTHERS, 7 Bowling Green, New York, or JohX TAYLOR, 08 Court st oien Batunlsy nlghtk or H. Jf. E.OOH, 44 Broadway Brookiyu. tffKAYBOATh, PROVIDENCE LINE For BOSTON, PROVIDENCE.
WuHtfcHTkH and all Eastern points. Direct route for the HITE tul NT VIN4 Steamers RHODE ISLAND and ANSACHUhe T5 leave hew York from Pier 29 5 K- foot Warren tu. at 5 30 M- bundu.TS excepted, for Providence direct, ouepA connecting with expiess train due Boh ton 7 15AM. Vt orrester 8 and 9 AM. IA bite Mountain parlor eir train leaves wharf 7 Iff A running through Fabyau without change Keturuing leave Boston.
PSTk square fetation, 0 30 p. dally except feunday Tickets and staterooms scoured at 120 217, 001, sai. 944 and 97 Broadway, Air House, Windsor and ('fMinopofitan Hotels, all offices Y. Transfer Co. to hewlork and Brooklyn, who wlii call for and check baetare from hotel or residence to destination Telephone call, l-ortlandt, 3 38 STONINGTDN LINE For BOSTON PROVIDENCE all lnte North anl Fast Only direct line tor NAKB4GANSETT PIKlt and WATCH HILL, frteaaier leave ew Pi 30 one block above Canal sc, at 5 dally, exoept ftanday, conned ing with express trains and through Ke Uning-claircara Returning train leaves Park Hquare Matlon, Boston, 8 PM.
and Narraganteu 1 ler 7 JOP.M. Mondays only, si) VOR'VICH LINE FOIl BOSTON WOK i.x CENTER, all points north Mid east. Hlea leave Pier 40, North lUor (next pi above brossea st ferrri dailr Sundays excepted at 5 to M. Tickets ana staterooms eeourot at 5 47, 211 HI, Ml, ffffff, fiw7 713 037 and U2 Brm way, 58 and 14 i Bowery. In Hrooxlrn 4 Court sc and 331 Falton omres Wsstcoti Express 1ier 40 North River and on steamers.
Weeiroits Express will eall foe and check baggage from hotels and residences. BBAD). Agent. The (in George Gibbs, for Orient, Green port, Shelter land, femthoid aed 'tg J(arlor Leaves New York, Per 21, E- foot of Beekman street, Tuesday Thursday and Haturdnvs at 5 clock M. Ke-tsrnlng leavafeag Harbor Mondays, Wednesdays and Krinay, o'clock P.
M. J. k. ulUiid agent, office on pier CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. gtesnen KA ATA8SMLL ss4 IAT8MLL Leave Pier 93 X.
foot of Jay si every week day at 0 Connecting with Catekill Mountain aadCairoB. Directory of iammT hotels atid bearding hooses free at pier or meued to any ad-dreas by W. J. HUGHES, Treasurer. Cate kill.
It. Y. mAUBOAT (limited) 8tramw Shelter Is, an Tgt tOUT INLAND Brighton rkc railroad. bH EF Pfe HEAD BAY. BRIGHTON BEACH HOTEL aud BROOKLYN JOTkKY CLUB RACES Train leave Bedford 0 to, 7 hi 8 V) lo Oi, 11 30 A aud every hour thereafter until 30 then 9 00 bpecial trams f.r races 115 sad 1 50 P.
Stage direct to race track from Kings Highway Station fesitirdar nights only at 11 43 ljrmo Bergen. Buier and Prospect Psrk Stations sfewminuiee later than above (Bedford Station; time Uetnrmng leave Brighton Beach Hotel 7 00. 00, 9 Oo 10 ho A. 1 oo ooun. and every hoar until then 9 it) Saturday night pnly at 1A15 A $1 iDAl s-Pibt traia leave Bedford P'ation 7 HO A M.
and Brighten Beach 8.00 A i. then as above. SKA BEACH 80CTR lO LUMKY ISLAND Take Third sve. Court SV or Hamilton (steam Boa Twenty ftlth sk) to bixty.hflh si through faro 5 cents. trams leave Bixtr fifth ft.
st 0 40, 7 0 8 )0. 9 HO, 10 and half houny (snndays every 30 minutes' until lo. and at 10 40 Leave fees Beach Palace Conor Island. 7 72, ft 72, 9-20, IO dA, loA. aad half hourly (feundavs every 20 minutes) until 952 and at lO-oA 11 1J P.
aud st 12 clock midnight on kondavs trains leave Third are at 3 30. and ball hour until IKi M-, tiicn every iU minutes nnul 0 80 and at 10 and 10 40 re-turning at like inierv-tls until 12 clock midmgtit BOYNTON BIOCLK All ROAD connect dally with trains which leave Third are. on half hour from 7 3ft A until 6 HO RXUIK.HIOX TKIFTH. SSCENTt. Qulckeot and chpeat from City Hail, for lea and all intermediate pom ta.
NBk ISLAND AND BATH BEACH VTA THE UNION ELEVATED AND BROOK-LYW, BATH AND WKbT END RAILBOADS. TniD leave rmoa Depot (tgnemas ef aton Flevsied Ka Iroal corner Fifth sve and Thirty sixth st-. as follow A M. fi ff 7 OO 30. 9 OU.
9 30 UMH), lo 40, I I 1 4, 1 12 10, 1 10. 1 40 2.10 2.40 8 10, 40 410 4 4ft. 5 lu. 5 40. 6.1Q.
6 40 7 Ift. 7 40 ft TO. 9 IO O. II 30 CANARHIE. QAHAfWK r()t vcanamik and rockawat beach.
Co and after Mry 30 trains leave Howard Honan, East New Yerk. tor Canarste hearty, ft 40 A. M. to 9 a. and every thirty minutes from 0-30 A nnili 7 Ati and 8 JO and 40 PM.
Steamboat trams for Rock a way Beach 9J9 1L30 A. 1 J4L3 JO and 5 0 X. ROCRAWAI BEACH. gOCEAWAY BEACU- BATHIRG, BOAT1AU, fLSHIXft SAILING X. and Boekaway Beach train leave FLATBUfeH AVfc bTAf ION for Boekawar Park and way station tt 15.
9 Oo, ILJo A L4o. .2.00. 3 5. n-Ovl, 8 20, ft 03 p. X.
Sonday 7 oO, 9 10 10 17 A I JO A 117.2.40 5 40. 6-40, 8.15 9 15. 0 M. EXPBE88 TttAf Vn TO BOCKAWAY PARR only. 1 50 AM, 3 20, ft 20, 7 Oa 9.00 P.
M. biBHlavA 10 5ft A- 3 10. 7 P. iL felURGt-ATES NOTICES. IN PCR8I AM ot aaerderef the fion.
Georre A. Abbott, surrorateot the Leonty of King, notice is hereby given, acoordmg to law, to til r-roons rL-unt nxatuet Micka 1 Van rankh. lav of the itv uf Breoxlvn. atate ef New York, deceased, that they are required tn exhibit tbe smv wuh the voucuor thereof, te the sub-scnbvr, Joete A. Van ran ken, administratrix, her rasKtence, 54 Jeifersnn aveane.
Brooklyn, ns er before tbe 20th day el January aexL Dated Jaiy 14. IffO JGfelE A. VAST TRANK EN, Adesf letramlx of the estate mt yir.hffn. Yaw VtaaAea, deoead 7-14-34-1 i I I 1 I learners I Hive Dw I 1 at 6 hi I BETWEEN lei York Washington IS OPERATED BT THE Jersey Central, Reading IB. 0.
Hits VIA Theeattre equipment to brand new aud consist the fiueet Baggage Cars, coaches, Far lor aud Httylsg cart svor biulk by tbs PulUuah Company. The tratne are Tcstlbulcd from end to end and protected by Pull-mans Improved ASTI-TELESCOPING DEVICE. AXL THE CARS IK ALL THE TRAINS ARE Heated by Steam and Lighted by Plntsch Gas, IT Oder device controlled bv the Safety Car Heading and Lighting Company ot Row ork. NO EXTRA FARE. FgMnrrrt occupying Farkr Car seats or Rieep-lnc Cun bertha wiu pay the- ordiuary charges fur This ts the only line ran slug trains Don Hew York In 5 HODRS 10 WASHINGTON.
Ticket offirra 7L Wl, 415, 944, 1140 and 1323 Broadway 737 sixth avn. So west U5th ak aud 132 East lSthst. ttrook ijra, a Court sL. 860 Fulton sA and 88 Briwlvay fetation foot Liberty sC, N. It.
LAW ol laR E4ILROAD PENNSYLVANIA Railroad. On a KB AFTS8 SrTSK Iff, 1900, Trains leave atsUona foit of Peehreseee and i'ertlaad fttreeta, aa follows: -la Fast tvs for the West. Poll nu eetibuie bleeping and Parlor lara. At Dree leceiaad a. Colombo ff JO A.
ihicsgu 5.00 and et Luuia 7 00 M. hoxtUy connects, ai-o for illunasport, lxck Haven and Rcnuru, except feunlay, and loleuo, etcept featar ay life A 1 -Tin Nsw on agDCHtraoo enapiwel esciuslveir of Pullman Vesu. bnie l'rawing ami ''late loom, ftleepln Dltubg. Bmoking aiul obaervatiou aia, prcsenilng flnan rial report, stenographer ami (tiers, bsU htonu for 4U aote. Ugliest tusid.
bar lr bot, library, ami 11 in conveniences of home or otfiee Lighted by stationery and movable eiet trio light. Atrlr.s cuiciuiiatt io aud hu Ago 9 44 A. iixt day (Ml -feT Loilffi I HU AftO ASD CtnCIVVATt fflPBAM. Pullman Vwtibula Meeptug 4 at an I iMulag ar, Kew York to ha Ians, Chicago aud CiuciunaU. passenger Coach New ork i-luraoua.
Anivnit incinnatt 11 oo a. hlcggo 5 OO and Ht Louis 7 40 next day 0 3o lit s-tn xrKf tor ad poiots lu the esi, attl romthwest. Ii llmau Vestibule sleeping car Nw Yotk Ptttburr. ftt. laottis.
Chit ago, clnciuuaU and Memphi lonnsyivaala Ks irat Dtmog Oar New )nt Phiiarieipbia, ami puUnisu imt'ugcar riitaimt to Ktchmomi and buago Arrives at Clucmaat 40 Uii-ago hv ncx hsr nt I otiis 7 oo a veoeno moruluv or Clevelaod anl ToImIo galij except RitnhUf 8 IH IM Panne xrKhS Pul man Buffet Mmiu ar New Yor tochtiago New toil to Memphis vie the BhenamloAlt a ley, arrP na week day at ('aiiimbu 7 15 P. leveisml ,45 belt lay, aud dally hlcage A netand morniug Connect lor i oioio daily, and for Carry hru, the Oil itagiona, Cieveiauii, and Columbus except feaiurdsy, BALTl.tlORK, WAftlKMUTUM AND TUB MIRTH OTWaehtngton fJmftet Ex proas' of Pullman Parlor Cars dsiiy, exc opt sunasy ID ID A vi arrive ssUiugbm 8 io end ougreeoional I Incited oiy with Dining car, et 3 20 arrive Wastiluyiou it .4 reg iUr express, 4 .0, ft oo and 8 to a ,2 1ft. 5 ftOaot OO I. 12 13 night. For Bsittmme only.
1.00 Hiimiay ri 1 and 9 40 A 4 io, i oo and 0 00 and 1 night, lor points oh a peak and Dhte Railway and inciansU nieeunts, Inning ar and c-oa he through 0 p. deliv. For ioo Brn Ii. i mut etaam did intermediate Slelioa. week days, A 0 A ml Enoon fflo, 4 20 d( 5 go Hunday.
941 A 5 I5P die lot atog et Aebury Park on ftnnday) F'B I AVTtr ITT IN PM (Through Day (oacIi) week day connects fr Mij. For old Point an i Sortoik ta New Voil Phlla deipnia and Norfolk Refirued. HftJ A daily except ftnnday. and deby vta Baits Bureau Bay Line. 2 lo P.
M. week dav for PHiLnF.i.riiiA. Expree TTalns leave a follows HA) 7 20. ffo 9 li 'Chicago Limited, with Dining ar. and lo 10 vVaehington I liuiieD, and 11 oo A.
12 20, 1 oo, 2, o. a oo 8 40 4.s. 4 4ft 6 oo, 6,00, 0 zo. ir ana 9 im) and 12 Iff night Accommodation, ll 10 A 4 4 and 7 ftuaday Kt proas, rt 15, ft 0 oo ilO UrnUell and 1A 2 oo 4 (m), 4 6 00 'bi. 8 Oo an 1 9 uO P.
ff and 12 Iff night Accommodatiiffc 7 Oft M. 1 lie New ork I tansfer Company will call for and cfuMk bercage (rom boieis and reatdancea through to hcetiDation For time-tobies uf local tnsn apply to any ticket agent of tbe OTupsny CH AH. PI nil, General Manager. 3 ft WOOD General Pas Agent OKU HURD KttlAOAI) Trains leave 1 1 Matbufth Aeitne nraUon for the foUow.04 po IU and way etaWenw GHlKN POKf HI RK 14 fad :2 a M. i(l ip Baturnaya oa'yi, (2 55 Hbelter Jsiaad HpenaL frtlav aiui Bat irrtara otr).
20, 4 2o (ft 20 Hi ver otny and Mat urrlai onij 1. Bondars 0 ffO a M. BAG HAHHOK-i UK MAMPION4 ft 25 (I 0 feetordarsonlf 2.5ft Hamna a ft portal, via Main lane rndays and feetuMlsv onr 0 2 4 20 (5 vo ftaiorrtay only) Bundays ft 50 A. M. FAT( U(MU 7 ou, ft iff.
100 A. I 50 Haturdays only) 3 20, 4 20 5 A) fruori). 9 00 A. If BA 14 YIN 700 7ft H2ff 10 ft) A. 1 2) i ft) Hatur dar oolfi.
fl'2h. 4 20 6 20 ft oft 0 55, looff M. 12 lftnlgbtWeda and feats, only). fttiDday. Vi 9 (ft) A 9 0) to BT EFFE rtfeoN, MIIUIN OH T.
HtNTINGroN ft 2ft A 1 50. 3 5ft. 4 ffff Mirodars 9 A 6 25 BhACLIFF GLFN COYE. OT8TF BA 7 O0 ft 52, Jo 50 A I ff' 3 20. 4 2.
ft 1 (4 2. ft. ff ff 7 ff 4. 1 2 i ff nirht, WoiIums Urs an I Maiarilav only ftanUys 27 A 0 2-, 9 00 PM iAft KOtKAMAY YlA VALL9 feTKKAM 7 00 lo V) A 3 20. 5 20 0 ffff 7 54 10 Off 12 lftnicliC Bnnday, 1 3O, 410, 5 iff ft iff.
7 ffff. iTiri, looo ('Does not top at Valley fetreamt. AkVKBNB and AB KocEaWaY vta A R. Ky 7 00. via I.
I. H. R. 7 55, 9 50 A. 1 20.
t. 600.754 vs ifH.iL ftumUys, 0 OO 10 ffff A. vta L. I. K.
ic 1 off, 2 34 a via I 7 ffft X. via I ft K. A HDK IT HEMPfeTkAD, 7 OU 7ff.H2ft, 10 0 A 1 6ff. 3 20 4 20. 6 20 ft 25.
0 ffff, 7 V4, lo 12 iff 1 gbL Bunders, ft V) f27 7ardea City only), loo. 2.6j bi) (boo Garden ty eniyi. joIjP m. long beach. 7 ffff hi vi a.
af A io. 4. 20. 6 oo Hooday 0off. ilr0 A tf 'C miner for point Iftokoat.
MiNHAT TAX EA ft 30 ft ft) 1 1 A A 20, 5 4ft II M. Vrd anft feat onlyi. feundays, 50 A 12 37. 2 20. A 20, 4 00 M.
fHOPOmca EMRTRMT lT WO It ft 4. Com-DlseioR'-ra Office. Hoorn Iff. Mnnicipai Buihi-Brookiyn. Heptember 12 lfeto t'roiKieale ware tuts ly puptirtv op anl end enoosm ot lor gTatirng aa I av utg Fifty tuird street from Third imm roarih aveane with coohleotoae.
to John Movriwiey per ran aloe font, 83 80. Bnretiee 11 Maxwaii ant 1 hariro ft. Kina M'F HUkry per ruin ing faot. $1.97 Bure lie Fat nek rnua aad oa a Mtkcf Htchard fft heiaa, per reanag tet, $3 ora-tle Jobs Hickey anil Thomas Mcrnmaid Denai Nor ran, per rnuuisjr teet, ftfe Safeties. Johe Ilsrt end Jehe arran.
bri4 Hart, er mo stag lot fl 97. Bnrettee. Themae Bc1mbuI aafe Jots Milker 2 0)1 ADAM- ceatmiaeiener Attrot: D. L. xokTtrrp.
Secretary 13-ftt LEGAL WICtA SlPREMB C4l HT, King enaty Lemae blander, pla-atit again Jeha Bnanei4 and ethers, defendanM. Hoardmaa 4 Bewtaa piainikT attoraeyft lftff aad 157 Breedway 5. -la puraaame ef a Judgment ef ferevioenre and seie ef Uiia Conrt made ia the ebeve entitled aciio. Peering Hate the 10th dey et July. DM, will sell at publir auetteo, oy 1 bemea a.
Karri, gaa aoctoB'gr, at the elereme. e. Iff Wil lougnhr trrot, tn theity ef reeti a. ea the lftth dy of feepteesevr, J190 at 12 eoinei soot, lira foi owing ieecnoed Land and premies All that certma let, niece er pereei ef lead, with the dweu-Ing house aad improvement therein erected U-uaiv. lying aad bolnx ia the city of Brooklyn, euutr of Kings aad tate ef ew ff Ora.
aad wlsf bounded and dvecrlbed ne teilewa Begffaaiug at a point ee Hie aertaerly de ef fiao-rerk street opposite the centre ef a party wail undlx.9 partly en the promts hereby eeaveved aed partly ea the ptemlsea adBalhg oa the easterly aide thereof, which petal ia dwtaat a.xty ix feet westerly from 9e center formed by the later eoefe of the nort4ry aide ef Hsaencg veet wtth the westerly tde ef Irawia sms theses raaniag aorthert parsfiel with levi tmm end part of the alftsixe thrmigh the eeorar of said party wal oo hnnured feet; p.enre westerly esd paraliel vita ll ic st ent 'eighraea feet, theace eoauiarty sal parallel wtfa Lewis aveane aad part Ihe dm sac turoigb tne eeaire ot smihw party wau tua ing p'lrtir ea th promaron nerehy conveyed aad partly ea tbs pt4pe edimarag en tee wtwlv mde tsereef ene fcaadrel frog teito ssrtMrij hi Banrock tr4gt, aed tseace eearat turn og the ortherry aide ef Haeeeek etroet eighteen trot te the Mlsl er pmtm mt peg' an leg Lrad Breoklyiw i Y- August 27th, iAafei. LLAjKA. B. fe HXMf, naertff. ft 20 -41 tor, lfe Xe A A NN tor A lopefol Views by Many Dealers of the Future of the Market, Many Purchasers From New York Who Are Securing Homes In This City, as Well as Shrewd Capitalists I Who Are Buying for Investment.
Tbe interviews which were published In the Stasdaud-Umos of Saturday, Sopt, 6, are supplemented by tbe following: Charles E. Hotaliog, 441 Sumner avenue, said am a conservative bull on real estate. There are factors and conditions which will soon be developed and earned through that will make Brooklyn realty more desirable for homes and permanent investment than New York property. I handle ana have charge of a great deal of Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth ward property, which you know are choice residence wards. The increase of valuation in tbe Twenty-third ward has risen to over 1889, while the Twenty-fifth ward snows an increased valuation of $2,961,145 over 1889l The population of these two wards has increased in tbe last ten years from 23,450 to 92,200.
Such a rapid growth, which is only a sample of the growth most of the other wards of Brooklyn, is proof to my mind that our real estate in certain localities is sure to advance. While in some of tbe older districts there may be a slight falling off, the advance of values in the new districts and in some portions of tue old will more than balance the losses. Our property is cheap it is a good investment for capitalists, and they are doing it, Toe fall trade, in my opinion, is going to be fine, Tne montos of October and November I think will be exceptioo-lly big real estate months. Toe money sent est and. Booth to move the crops will be in our banks again, money will be plentv and seeking investment, and real estate in Brooklyn will be sought after because It is a good investment Labor troubles will have no effect on values.
I know of no builders who are financially embarrassed; those who were so last year are all right now. Inere will be no panic in real estate Brooklyn, unless It is a panic of higher prices. William J. Tate, 807 and 311 Flatbusb avenue, corner of Prospect place My opinion may not accord with some you may have interviewed. There are those who are naturally beard, and others are naturally bulls, for we have them in real estate a3 they do in stocks in Wall street.
1 look at real estate and real estate values from a business standpoint. Location and surrouudmg3 have everything to do with determining values, and there are other conditions, such as plenty of money, easily obtained confidence, stability in trade of all kinds and the permanent settlement of all great National questions that affect domestic and foreign couimoditieia. These are soma of tne factors which enhance or depress prices of real estate and exert a potent influence oa the market. I see no reason way investors aud others, while all tbe conditions are so favorable, snould not turn their attention to our cheap realty, and I think we will see a big fall and winter trade I should not be surprised to see a considerable advance in some ocalities. Every indication points that way.
1 consider our real estate a good purchase in any part of Brooklyn at present prices. I think there are as good chances now to make money as there ever have been, and I know a number of capitalists who are investing for a future rise. Trade has been fair daring tbe summer. Renting is our fail renting is getting larger every year. Bales are increasing and there are plenty of buyers if they can buy at tbeir figures.
Other want a home, and when they And wbat suits them they will buy. Tne market is firm, and 1 know of no reason why it should not remain so. John A. Schilling, 429 Fifth avenue I am a great believer in Brooklyns future and her real estate, especially around our beautiful Prospect Park. Lots in this locality have doubled and trebled in the last three years, and are still advancing.
We are going to have tbe best fall trade we have had for years. Capital is seeking investment here, and our Brooklyn real estate is attracting attention, jb is a city of heroes: the number of families from New York seeking homes here to rent this fail is unprecedented; our customers for renting are mostly New Yoik people. Bales have Deen fair all Bummer. 1 have made many good sales in the last four weeks, and have a number on the way. The season is opening earlier than usual, and there are more buyers the market seeking investment and homes than I have seen for years at this early season.
Ibe popularity of Brooklyn as a city of homes wifi always make her real estate valuable and sought after, and the style of houses now being bunt is a factor in enhancing prices. Flats and apartment bouses in good locations and select surroundings are sought after for investment. Tbe future prospect is encouraging. G. B.
Durydh, 406 Fifth avenue, said The summer trade has been light, but it is getting quite brisk. I am now negotiating three large sales with New York parties for investment In the Twenty-second ward. There is a good prospect for a large fall trade if nothing turns up to canse a pauic or derange the market. I dont think the market will get settled down until October. Money is getting more easy and if building should stop mooev to loan ou new buildings will have to seek investment in other channels, snd there will be more money to invest in houses by buying them outright than investing in mortgjgcs at a figure which is olose to their valu.
Tbe builders in the lwenty second ward have been building a superior class of bouses this summer, both in tbe line of apartment and two ana three-story private bouses. Theo are selling well, especially the two, two-and-a-half and three -story ones. I have more customers for that class of bouse than 1 can supply. The labor trouoles will affect builders it they continue, but I see no reason why it should affect houses already built aud in tne artet, except to make them higher. No, the prospect looks bright for the fail trade with this exception, which is not a serious one.
Lamphear Butler, 2 Flatbusb avenue Our trade during tbe "su nuier has been fair, YVe think next month will be a brisk month for real estate. There are many Inquiries for cheap houses, but cheap means to buy below their valu-. Buch bouses have long since disappeared. Property is worth what is asked for it tOBday. Houses that pav 6 to 10 per cent, net on investment are coeap Many are realizing this fact and ate buying for homes and investment.
Renting is brisk. Many from New York are seeking houos here this fall to rent, most of our applicants being people from New York, and tue buvers are mostly men from tbe same cl tv. The moneyed men of Brooklyn are losing golden nance for speculation, which capitalists ou the other side of tbe Bridge are taking advantage The fail trade never looked brighter. lmistou Foster, 246 Fifth avenue, took a hopeful view of Brooklyn realty, believing it would advance instead of decline from present prices. Many others gave similar expressions of confidence.
The representative of Ihe Standard-Union has xiofi found a single man among tue leading brokers out of tho many he has interviewed but tpoke encouragingly of the present and future of Brooklyn realty hm-lavestment. i Socialists Make Nominations. The Kings County Socialist Labor Party held a convention in the Labor Lyceum yesterday to nominate State aud county officers. Dr. Franz Gerau was nominated on the State ticket as caudldute for Judge of tbe Court of Apoeals.
This nomination must be ratified by ail tne Socialist sections ia the Stale. Tbe other candidates nominated were, for Con-cress; Second District, F. A Koenig; Third, MatLew Lovau; Fourth, Gustave Schaefer; for Assembly: Seventh Distil Christopher Pattberg who is toe keeper of a gui mill; Eighth District, Jacob Franz, and Jweirth District, Theodore F. Kuno. Supervisors wero also nominated.
A county ratification meeting will be Ovid on BepU 22. $1000 REWARD Ia wpl mnfndici To tost this bang a strip of leaher In a bottle ot Acme Bn king ad la vs tt there for a dav rr a irooth Take it ent and J-randeT-rairs careful' liMte a maiuartewt auh French Droseing and Pasts Blacking VloIffsjlOfjBlaosing Makes any kind of leather Waterproof, Soft and Durable. Ask ia Paint. Drug it Raw Furnishing AantAr PiX-' trhieh will Stain Ove a at fuastTUU will Grain Clam and Cmi.awank will Stain Timwamc will Stain town Olo Baakst will evN OAavaCoM and plfinsirA of tho mm me ftMP. 7Mraprirr A m2r THLIT1 WOLFF IlAMBOLPIA Fat ladslpkla.
KPOKTKG RETAILERS, Fultoa opposite DeXalfoe; Autumn Coats, Reefer and Wraps. Special- values in Imj rted in Reefers at $7.50. A lot of English Principal OMce, Lltowtr 9U, Tsrli CAPITA! o. JANUARY 1, lttO CAPITAL ASD AIKPI.CS. 3f HKVRT nARTBAP.Prnl.lcnt.
-ANIEL 1 WUITM8 V. Vles-KrMlft IGUNE H. WIISLOW, iieeretery.Tf jEON 4 RO MOODY, Gsssrsi Usaajr fr Brooklyn. JO if "i K- SEWARD, Manager forVown CLARIS, Al MSUWTOIU SUsagt for Yeisyhono Wo 309 MURRAY, PHEHIX INSURANCE COMPANY, BROOKLYN, N. Y.
Cash Capital, $1,000,000. 3,379,344 3S of itr of Brooklyn --Thsodormaiack Gross Assets, Deo. 1333, Liabilities Surplus as to Policy Holders $1,401.941 $7 Losses Paid Blues Orgaouatioo, 447,7 OFFICE BROOKLYN PHFNfX BUILDING, VfURT iT- AND 114 BKUADWAY.l CITY OF KEW 10RK-WESTERN JlON BUILDING. BROADWAY CORN it tt 8T. tue last will and testament ot Georae XmlrM de cessed, plalutitts, against Annette M.
Hallenoeck and others, defendnts season A Kurt, plaintiffs attorners, 4 Broadway Brooklyn, In pur-auance of a judgment of foro insure and sale of mta Court made ia the aiiovo-enutied action bearing date the th day of September, IhjO, 1 will sell public auction by Thomas A. Kerrigan, aoetioneor. At the salesrooms. No. Id Willonghbv street.
In tbe city of Brooklyn, on the bth uay oi at 1 c.ock nojQ. the following described land and piemises Ait that certstn lot. puxe or parcel of ground, with tho buildings erected thereon, situate and being tho mxta ward of the city of Brookij a aforwoud fronting on the southwesterly si le of c. engross streof between Henry and baton streets be ug a part of the ea-derlj portion of lot Dumber (Mn) eiguty ought as laid down on a map entitled Map of aa etais lu Brook yn belonging to Cornelius Heeney, Esi. Brooklin, Msv, 1 surveyed by is-vtc Lndlain, city surveyor, recorded and also on me in the office of the Register of 1 the county of Kings, bounded and containing as follows, tomt.
Begi nine at a point on the southwesterly line of Cou-gre4irect distant one hundred and ninety nine feet an six inches i9 fk 8 eaatcrlir flora the soathtasteriy corser of Cnrossand Henry streets mi Heorf street is now in actual use- runaing iheure nonthwcstei ly parallel with Henry street and through the centre of a certain party wU forty hv feet, thence northwesterly parallel with on cress street six inhes thence southwesterly parallel with tiry street eleven feet nine anl one-ha imbea. thence north wosterly larallei with ongresa street nftoen feet eight inches the ice northeasterly parol el with Henrv street ubd oart through a certain other pirty wall nf nvs feet eight inches to congress stree. and thence sbuilu asierly along the south westerly line of nBgres Street sixteen feet two inches to tbe Place ot bog fmng It being under stool that the southeasterly line of Henry street as now use. is ten feel northwesterly of tbs southeasterly line of Henry street aa laid down upon the Couimiadouers Map of Brooklyn Dated fc rookies, itmhw ciiARK KlilNEHARl, Bbenffi 9 26 CtlTY ti( HT of nrookiy-Martha R. Mo- Loaghiin an I auother jur-executrix.
of Edmund McLoughlin, decegled piaiDtiffs, against EUvsJi Hawkins and others, defen tanu Ba nU laog. Reed A McKewau, plaintiffs attorneys. 1 Park Row, Y. City. In pursuance of a jndg ment of foreclosure and sale of this Court made In the anove-euULeil action, bearing dale the Oth day of Juue.
1 will sell at public auction by Thomas A- Ker rmi auctioneer at the salesrooms. a. 3XVil lou, ihy MTreet, to the city of Brooklyn, on tr 2rtti dav ot September. Is at 12 doc noon $pe fei U. wing described an and promises AUlKiecer tala lots pieces or prc Is of laud stmatslying ami ociag lu is Twenty second ward of tif tltjr of iltak vn aforesaid, known and diauAgnisf on a iprta.a map Bled in the office of the flog1tnrof tbe county of wings enillied Map ef propersifin too city of Brooklyn Iwlonctng to the estate dorrs Po'hmu decease t.
Brook ys. li 1 M.a, Ltd aid City by Die i-tnlrrs 4 4 whloh said lots whf Oaken together inmnde 1 aid uesvnbed aa Is fu ts wit Beginning at a point on tne aortic erl cornerof eixuiaeau and Fresiaont I run Bing thence northe-iv along Mxtti avenue hu dred feet, thence westerly on lla raliel with Freahleot street sinety two fe snee ooutnerir on a line panllrl wtlh Sixth a fe one hundred (IbO) feet to Prestdest street, ah Jheoco easterly along President street niaeiy'Jb (9ii et the point or place of Peg amn-saDated Brooklyn, September 4, loLkl-CAlk HI Erl ART. Sheriff. 1 S'-7-41 Brooklyn, Jf -Hibella am Off. against iUlam Alleg am others, defendants Jounaon A Lam 0, aitornovs.
iourt street. Broekivn. YJt -I wumuance of a ndgtseat of Cure-1 ire a.le of t4its Coart made tu the above entitled actum, bear u.gdAie the 1 tU day "September, I wiU sea at pu olfcc auetioa. by ho mas A. Kerrigaa.
auctioneer. at the aaieRKdnv No 14 Willoughby street In the dty of Kioeklyu. on tho 7th day October. at lij ec.wk noos tho foiiowia 4scnbed land at premi-oa: All that cert si a lm, see or oareei of laud situate. Ivrag and bemg la iho Tenth ward of the ilij of Brook yu.
county of Kings, and bounded and deTltei as louows, to wit. Begmmng at a point oa the easterly side of Hort street distant northerly sixty feet from the nertbeai e. ly corner of liov and Degraw streets aod opposite the ceutre Lne ot a brick party wall running thence e-ster'y parauet with Bezraw atreet aed along the centre llae of sai party wail 4txtr feet thence northerly and parallel 1TU ijt street a eny leit theuce weenr aud. parallel with Degraw siroet and alrag tae cemre I ne ef a briLk party well sixy feet to the easterly aide of Hoyt street, and thence eonthsny along tho easterly a de of Rovt street twenty feet to point or place of begins og Dated Brooklyn. i Bcptamber 14, i tLa a.
K4I5L hart, isonx $-15-6-14 0 Iff IAtiARA FALLS 10-20 UO 50 A If. 4 50, 0:00, 7t3 9-15 Sa KA rouA-lb-OO, til 30 A AU 13 3X 7 SO P. hi, tuoongiit. JuAKEGluRGE-tPOO 11 30 A.M. THUl HAND IfeLANDS-UOffO A 4 50, 0.15 Hi 00 night ADI RON DA MOUNTAINS AND MON.
TRKAL 19-00 tll3A 7 30 tl2 titghl Also Adtroedack Mountains, 4 30 ALBURN, GENEVA AND CANANDAIGUA t0 VI. HO 50 A 9 1 5 P. UDi mldnlgbu BERKSHIRE 11 II LS, VI A HARLEM Di IfeloN Ml 10 AM.I3 0P Few tickets and vpaoe In Bleeping Cara apply at Grand entral fetauon. or at 41C7894 and Broitriway, Paik placet Off est 12Mh aai lJSth station. New or 3JJ Washington si.
7.U Faltonsl and 898 Bedford avA Brouk-, lyn 109 Uodson sk, Jersey CiW eec4u a Express oalls for and checks baggage from hotels and rettdenoes through to destination. 1 Dally eivpt8uuday Other train ran dailr Above trams, except those leaving at 0 00, 0 31 A 9 3 40 8 50 3 4 3 0 i' P. 1C an1 12 00 midnight stop at 13Hth Street station. JOHN TOUCEY GEORGE DANIKLO, General Manager. Gen I Pneeenger Agat TFNTKAirKAILKOAU OF NEW JKKHKy7 AOOT OF LIBKR1Y ST NuBTrt BlVLrt.
UMb Table, ukpt io iho. For Easton, 4 30. 4 7-Oil 0-45, 9 OO A 1-Of) 3 4 in 5 4Y 7W P. AL bondarc 4 JO. 7 00 ill.
1 IW. 6 JO For All.ntewk. Mneb Chunk, 4 7 imi. 4 HU A. i 1 4 (4 I'l lac eutlona Ailenbiwil), 44 (7 30 far Bethlahatu and Allaalawui M.
Suudaa, 4 (O; 7 OO A. kj 1 mi. 5 For Wllkeslurre. Flttstim end BorantAjii 4 30. 8:421 9 OO A 3 4 P.
Muu.lays 4 WA M. For Ken Bank Hraucu, Ocean Grove, vta all rait ctrt 4 1 5 1 I 1 5 A 1 V), 3 10, 4 0. 4 ffi). ft vi lo M. bnnUTA 8 OO A.
4 oo bnnuav trains do not stop st Oosaa Grovs or Asbnry Psrk. For Atlantic Highland, via Matswan and Kypm 4 OO, 8 1 1. 1 1 5 A I JO. 4 Jo, ff 3UP M. bun days, 9 Kl A 4 OO For lAkewooiL Manchester.
Toms River and Bar-negat. 4 0 1 8 1 A 1 v. 4 30 For imati Haven. Ailantio CUT, Vineland and Bridgeton. 4O0A 1 JOP Mm For freehold.
4 00, 8 Iff. ILiff A 1.30 0 10 P. M. jA nit Laugbhn then referred to tbe history of the JdUersou Club a few years ago of their various attemptsto secure recognition for tho orgamzatiiAi and that be had told tbe coru-niiuoeatrom the Jeffersonians that he would rather have tbe Democracy fail than yield an inch. And 1 have precisely the same reply for your organization.1 Mr.
Buhr was ire quentiy applauded as be mane his forcible points In stating bow Mr. Lauten and he bad endeavored to impress the Bosk As soon as Mr. Buhr was through with his statement a deep silence ensuati in the assemblage. Then Mr. Joan Geis obtained the floor and said; I am in favor of harmony in the Democratic ranks and party, but I cannot listen in alenoe to such a report.
It shows a dictatorial spirit that Democracy should never permit; and therefore, move that, as Germans American Democrats, we protest against such power and such conduct as shown in tbe reception of our committee by Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Huberty objected to ihe consideration Of the motion, upon the ground that the oom-7 in it tee bfcd acted as individuals and that Mr. McLaughlin had spoken as a citizen, not as the Democratic party.
He, therefore, moved as a 0 substitute for Mr. Geis motion that the matter be laid upon tho table. A member bouted that Huberty was out of Order, but President luebrer ruled that be was in order, and upon a rising vote the mo tion to lay upon the table was lost, 20 voting hi favor of the motion, 27 against it. Hugo F. Lauten remarked: Let us now tiifce action upon Mr.
Geis motion Mr. Beck interjected: Is McLaughlin the party! Yes, yes, from different parts of the hall. Mr. Beck continued; No, McLaughlin tmked for himself, not the party Lrie of You are out of No, am not. Again, I say, McLaughlin is not tue party.
We are tlio party. Ihe proper thing Jo have done was to go to tbe Campaign Committee. These two men going to one man is not business Mr. Bck retired to a seat near the door while Mr. Brndmu got the floor.
He was historical. Mr. Laughlin has been Spoken of. You caut get away from the fact that he is tne Democratic party. He works with anyoody, shilly-snallies, flip-flope and see-saws for himself alone.
I woi ked tor Ludwig Bemmler once forIayor and secured fif Entrances, Fulton sk, fiallatlnpL A Llvtnvsfsnsk SURROGATE'S NOTICEH. THE PEOPLE of the State of New York, hr the grace ot Jod free aud Independent, to Amelia Baruard Julia A. HUlard, Abide M. Bali I.ydiaB W. Weaver, James hU Maloti, Joule Mason, William 8 Mason Bessie Mason, Ella Mason, Mnrv I 8.
Pierce, Samuel M. Brown aud Heury Hart executor of the last will and testiraeut of Amauaa Ball, dectased William uton, Tamar Luther Rebecca Boswurib, Sarah Gardner, Elizabeth Luther, send greeting: on and each of jon are hereby cited and required to appear before a surrogate court of tbs County ot kings, to be beld at the Hall of Records, lu the city of Brooklyn on the doth day of July, I 18D0 at loo olock lu the forenoon then and theio to attend the judicial settlement of theaccouutof Joseph Lnthm, as executor of tue last will and testament of alia Lather, deceas'd. lu tosiimony whereof, wo hae caused tbe seal of our said Surrogates Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon George B. Abbott, surrogate of I onr said county, at the city of Brooklyn the 9th dar of June In the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and uety Fl.
8 1 ATI VOORHEES, 6-10-6 I Clerk of the Surrogate Coart THE PEOPLE of the State ot New lore, by the grace of God free and independent, to Jamee Deacon and Mary frillabrown, scud greeting Whereas Jaaie- Wynue, of tbe city of Brooklyn, has lately petitioned our Surrogates Court of the county or kings to ha'e a certain instrument la writing bearing data the seventh day of January, 18o relating to rod and personal estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of Margaret rnne. late of city of Brooklyn, deceased herefore, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear before a Surrogate a Court, oi the euuty of kings, to be beld at tbe Hall ot Koourtfs, in the city of Brookiyu, on the 10th day of September, 1800 at ten clock in the loreooon. then and there to attend the probate of the said Iasi will and testameuh In testimony whereof, we have caused tne seal of onr said surrogate Coart to be hereunto affixed VS it ness. Hon. George AbtKitt.
burrogte of onr said county, at the cltybf Brooklyn the 17th dav uf Jnlv in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety. US I UAH B. VOOHHF.FS, Clerk of the Snrrorate Court. Koint A SvBPKKFH, Attorneys for Petitioner No 219 Montague street Brooklyn. 7 18-6 3 THE PBOPl.Eof the State of New oyk.
by the grace of God free aud independent, to Lauia Smith, the wue of Joha smith residing at Fowler, 1 itt Wyandotte County, Ohio i ileu HU htnond, residing at Macodoaia. Pottowat- tom.e county, Iowa. Lvdla A- Parxer, wife ot George Farker. residiug at Henderson Mill. County, Iowa Gilbert Richmond, maiding Little Sandusky.
Wyandotte County, Ohio, Joeph Richmond, resiling at Little band us ty, Wyandotte County, Ohio Sarah Howell, wife of (iuy Howell, residing at Vanlue, Hancock County, Ohio Mary Parker, the wife of James Paiker, residing at Hastings, Mill County Iowa Florence Richmond Bord. the wife of Andrew Boyd residing at Wasnlngtoo, District of Columbia, send greeting hereAg. Mary Case, of the city of Brooklyn, county of Kings, has lately petitioned our r-ntrogate ourt of tbe county of Kings to hare a cer am instrument lu writing, bearing date tbe 12th day of March. 1887, relating to real anil per eonal estate, duly proved as the last will and testament ol Lvdla LI 11 Madan, Lite of the city of Brookh Muirs county aeceaed beiefors, yon and each you are hereby cited and required to appear before a Hurrogate Coart of the county of Kings to be held at the Hall of Records In the city of Brooklyn on the twenty third day of October. 1SUO, at ten clock In the forenoon, then an 1 then' to a the probate of the said last will and testament In testimony whereof, we have canned the seal of onr said surrogate oart to be hereunto affixed Witness, IIoil George Aboolt, Surrogate of onr said oounty, at the city of Brooklyn the 8th dav of AugUHt, in the year of onr Lord, one thousand eight hundred ana ninety I.L8J JIDAHB VOORHEF1 Clerk of the Surrogate Court.
RaypoUph Coia Attorney tor Petitioner, No. lb Court street, Brooklyn, 9 10-K3 TH it PEOPLE of the Mate of New York, by the grace of God free and independent, to beth Josephine eed. Robert Rider, Franklin C. Rider and William Rider (children of Robert Rider, deceased, a paternal uncle of ililam Euier. fsther of deceased George P.
Rider JnliaB Adams. Jennie Watson and Louise Have meyer (children of George El ler, dtn eased, a paternal uncle of said William G. Elder, deceased) Minnie Butt (daughter of Lawrence 1- Ider, a deceased son of said last named George Elder, decease)), Annie VTniin, lxmisine Havemever. Adelaide Peters, and George I Ritlrr (children of George Rider a deceased Child of said last named George Elder), Anna R. I Crump (daughter of Ann Eliza, deceased daughter of said last named George Rlderi.
to any boirs or next of kin of Catharine Elder, wife of Wufiamj 1-liter ueceased mother of George Rider, de I Cease (whose maiden name was tat ha tine Bar- rem. If any there be (the names of said parties cannot be aAcertainel) heirs an next of a in of George Rider deceased, send greeting he reas. Hose ller ot tbe itv or Brooklyn, Kings county New York has lately petitioned oar Surrogate oart of the county of Kings to have a Ctrtaiu instrument In writing, bearing date tho twenty-second day of March, lv-9 relating to real and personal e-Ute, duly proved as the la-d. will, and tes ameut of tMrge P. Eider, Laid of a aid city of Brooklyn, deceased bererore, you.
and earh of you. are hereby cited and required to appear before a nnogate 1 ourt ot the countv of Mugs, to be beld at the Uii of Hicortfc the ij of Brookiro, oa tiie Coth day of Stpcember, 180u at tea cioilc ui the forenoon, tnen and there to attend the probate of the aaid last wul and testameuv. Anil that the above-named Intanta then and there show canse why a sjKCiff gaatditn should not be appointed to npfKiar for them oa the probate ot aaid last will and Wsament. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our aaid Sut rugate a Court to be hereunto affixed Witness Hon. (eorge Abbott, arrogate ot our said county at the city of Brooklyn the 3islday of y.
in the year of oar Lord oao thousand eight hundred and ninety. iLh. JUDAH VOORItFES, Clerk of the Surrogate Court. Bartlett Wilsov a HaviuvS, Attorneys lor petl ttoner, 48 all street, New York 8-12 7t IN FlK-'l ANCC of an order of the HoaToeorge Abbott, sarmaie of tuo eouniy ot Kins, notue 1h hereby given. noco-iUng to law, to nil jr sons claims agaiut Ro iert WaUo late of tne dtr of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are re-q tired toexh mt tue name with the vonchers there ot to the subscriber, tbe executrix, at her rest dence, number k0 Lafayette arenas, the city of Brooklyn, oa or before the first day of February next.
Dated July 30, 180. ELIZABETH a 7-31 26-4 xcc-itrtx. IS PURUAtf. Eof an or ler of the Hou ueoro I Abbott, surrogate of the county of Kings, notice hereby given, according to law to all per eon having claim aaou Joliu Bowes, late of the city of Brook vn. Kings Cjmiy.
do-that tbev are lequtrel to cxuil the same, with tue vonchers there the eobsenbors. the 1 ex utora, at their place of Uustnoas. at the offite of Holt A Butier, ill Broadway in the city of New York, on or before the zoth day of February next. Dated Auua 190. ffTRRTRT W.
BOWIK. A 720-4 GaOkuk C. KG LX, I I I THE BABY-FARMING HORROR. Tw More Dead Infants Found la Maapeth IIlldwlTes Arrested. The baby-farming horror in Maspeth, Queens Countv, just outside the city limits of Brooklyn, is growing worse the more it is investigated.
Tbe old couple, Charles and Catherine Claus, have already made confossion, implicating three xmdwivos in New York, who have been arrested and charged with complicity in the business, lueir names are Mrs. Karsh, of 1620 First avenue; Mrs. Bchenbec, oi SIS East Fitth-sixtb street, and Mrs. Weiner, of East Nineteenth street. New York.
Claus says these women paid him from $1 to $4 each for taking tbe children off their hands. The mid wives deny this, and say tney referred the mothers of the babies to tbe Clauses. In the rear of tbe hovel occupied by tne wicked old man and his wife are dense woods, and these is a large bog pond. Coroner McDonald, of M'vqrath, decided to have this pond drained. Yesterday a steam fire Dgme bad worked three hours.
Two infant bodies were found. One was about a month old, done up iu a cloth with a lot of quick-lime. The other was in a tin kettle with a five-pound stone attached. It is expected tnac other bodies will be recovered. Three in all have been found.
la the last few months as many as forty babies have been found on doorsteps in Maspeth and in Long Island City, whlcn are supposed to have been sent by midwives from New York. There were several hundred people at Masoeth yesterday. In the immediate neighborhood of tbe pond are two or three smaller ones which will be drained. ROSA HASH0N0. Religion 'Exercises la she Synagogues Celebrating the Jewish New Years Day.
The congregations Beth Eloheln, Beth El, Beth Jacob, Beth Israel and others of this city began at sunset last evening in their respective synagogues, a religious service appropriate to Rosh Hastiono, Hebrew for the New Year, 505 The exercises, with Sermons and impi essive music, will continue through to-morrow. After the first rrj ncing come tbe ten penitential days before lomKippur, or tbe Day ot Atonement. NEWS IN The body of Cnpt. John Ericsson was landed at Stockholm yesterday. Eighty thousand carcases of mutton were de-s ti oj ed by hro at Havre yesterday.
Senator Saxton, the author of the new Ballot-Reform law, sas that whatever cum bersomeneas and unnecessary expense there are, are due to Gov. Hiik A passenger express tram on the Missouri PociUc Railway was partly wrecked Saturday night twenty-seven miles west of bt Louis. Oue pas enger was killed and fifteen were injured, four, it is thought, fatally. George YV. Campbell, son of a millionaire cattleman, about 2o years old, came from Chicago to m-et hi bride, due yesterday from England on the City of Rome, bhe came.
Sne is Hsln Dodd, tbe daughter of Sir Thomas Dodd, of West Darby, Eng. They were married last evening. Young Campbell hist met who tbreo years ajo while in Eusland on awaiting a shipment of cattle. He amued himself by temporarily joining a VY ild est stiow.ttTbere bis craca and skill iu riding won the admiration of Mips Helen, tbeo 18. It was love at first signt bet wean tnem, but tbeir union wax doiayeu by the parents ou both sides.
The Season Closed at Coney Island. The season at Coney Island practically closed yesterday. Of course a few restaurants will remain open for a few weeks, but tbe large hotels have ben deserted. The iron steam boats will run another week. The Marine and elevated railroad have stopped ruuninz, and it will ouly be a few more das when the ihland will put on its winter appearance.
Jere. Johaaoas Chalk Tallu Every evening this week, excepting Satur day, Jere. Johnson, Jr. will give a chalk calk on How to own a home with the money yon are row paying for rent, at 393 Fiilfon street from 7 30 to S.3U. A vocal and instrument concert by the tue of the phonograph will also be given.
Thirteenth Itesimeot Infantry Drill. A guard mount and drill of the Thirteenth Rogm ent infantry will be Leld at the armory, Flatbu-h avenue and Hanson piece, on Moo-dav, the 29vb mt, at 8 P. M. Dancing wiU commence at 9 39 P. M.
The occasion will introduce the new full dress gray uuuorm of the regiment. Bandy lteoli Rente. foh ToONg branch, ocean orovk. Bra FROM PIKH K. FOOT OK RFC TOR 8T, Fur Ailantio Highland.
Highland Rrach bright, Monmoulh Bosch. Long BrancK atc at 4 40 10 1a A. diH) Saturday onlv 8 45, 5 oo buncrava, vn a 1 id I Tor Lakewood. Toma River and Barnegat, 4 90 A 3 45 i For 1 heron. Ocean Grove, A burr Park, Punt Pleasant, etc, at 10 13 A Oo berruavi on 8 45 500 K.
ftundaya 9 80 ex eept i cuuu rove an I Aaburjr 1 ark. Far PhUadelpbla BsKImts sb4 Wuhlof tea. KOt AL i LINK. For Philadelphia at 4 30, 7 43 0 00 11 id a 1 TO OO, A 4 00. 6 uO 0 OO.
7 30 P. M-, 12 jlglil bundnys i-N ll-oo A 2 OO, 8. At poop M. 12 16 nighi Haiti more and aahlagton dally at 9 (11 X) except SumUB A i OU. 8 20.
6 00 12 Iff at 7 11 70 A. 1 4 OO .100, 7 40 (1J 15 night except ft nrrtay aigtiti, haveconnv'tion for Reading. Harrisomg. Pott, villa, ate. For uaiibarr, Lewmberg and wiUlaies-mrrt via Philadelphia at 7 4ff a (I 10 Bngt parlor car) (12 1) night, except haw-dav nlcht), bumlers at OO Parlor care on ml day irain.
ftleeping ear on nA nighLiraie Tickets aed parlor car mu be secured ag 7L. 94 4. I i 40, 1 4 Broedwav, 77 roxth ave 2v West l-5th ha 1 44 Eal 135th A cw York. I 4 ourt si, 800 niton si, 04 Broad war. Braok yo.
I New York Iranster nmpiOT will call tor and 1 check baggage from hotel et residence to doauaa Ooa. WKftT ftllOKK KAILIfOtD, It NYCAHH.HH. Co, Lesemc Trsine leave taeet Konr second Ml fetation Ctmw 1 orki sa follow and twenty minate earner (rets the loot si Jay at. New rrk atari ion, Loudon, DstraLiad Chioaget 0 ftff A. i 5 iff 15 fet l2Hia 5 1j.
'ft 15 i Toronto. tM35A IS 8.15 Buffalo, RoctaAirr ftyrac use. lUca, fenspenston I BnOya. Nisga-a palls, 9 55 iff. 5 iff.
a iff 4ut a i 3 i A. for nos only Kingston. '8 AO, -7 Iff, 9 ffff. alL8U A. 4.00, 5 Iff 04 'ft Iff 'L CatskiU and Albany.
7 30 .15. 9 55, all 30 A. at oo 'ft iff iff Cranatona. West Point, Cornwall. Newbnrgh, I 3 so.
'7 25 20. all 40 A 1 4. Oil, 4 30. i Iff. ff io.
6.40 '8 Iff. iff it ontraal ana susda Fast 7 I ff A. MT '5 16 PM. Kiegaut aieetftng car for BafTaio, Niarara Fail a DeiroU, Chicago aud hi 1aii oo all through trains. a.
Leases Biook ya via P.rmkiyn Aauex. 100 A A 8 off Jersey City, P. H. Bution. all JO Ui.nJbPM, 'Daily Daily except Astardagr.
All ether trains i dallv xept feuoday torU'rita, tinx ubK parlor and sleeping ear I acvimoittM) or inforeMiun, pyir oft Hroni. Inn a. MaelUnrtoa et, 72y tea et. Annex Gdtcrfoot pultna at. New York City, 1, 271.
73ff 042 BroadwiT, 143 Buwarv 13 Park I pl 53 rot 12ffth at, and Niiore slat toot fool of Wrot 42d st aad foot of Jffy st North Hiver. I (rneri Passenger Ageat, Vanderbiitava. New kovk FOR. ci rt PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD LEAVING rnT OP I TON ST DATLV A.
JO 7 QO 7 40 $4 0 ft 20 8 40, ft-OO 9 20k 0-40 UHftJ, llPAl, 1040 AlOO li -0, 1140 12 0 A P. -U JO. 0. i-iarf 1 1 40, -J-00. i 44, i.
10. i -'O. ll) 4 00, 4 104 Oil 5 hL (, JO, AO, 7 7 40 OO JO, VA! SO, lOOl, iO- Hi. 1LOO. tTn A baay lar Line ft Oo A.
M. To raU Purer Line ft OO Ret-arnme leave Jfraey City oa arrival ef all trains. Baggage chequed and ticket aold to all poiau. Ak leg Brae Alya tsekete wnca ntarsiaf tn Brook I jm JANSEN. SnpwTatasdeat.
LEGAL NOTICE4. SLPtCEtlE Cl tl i Kings wiuty Harriet Haiacv pla.A.ig- a'Xiast George A mad Agne Ambach. Ccfendanta John R. Uais'-y, Jr. piatnuir auorrwrv.
hi vtU sc city ii pursuaace of a Jiuigiueat of foreclose re aal sale of tb Court rjaarie in the aeti bearing date a.te 2ftth day of Anga I). 1 wij eil at Pdbtte an non by Thoms A. Ker-t-ran, auctlone-g a1- the sairorroia. no. 1j tciL ugbby atre4 la the eitr of BroukiBj oa the lftih day of feeptemYer, Iftftl, at lJectoca neon, the loi lowing grecnbnd laud and preauae Ail that certain lot, )eec or erect ef faail aitnate Drag and be in the crity ef Brooklyn, county of mgs and fetace of Je York etmanded aed denerlved ae follows, ko wit: Beginning at a pouit on the eevv erly aide ot Prime street dint vat one handrod aed gbieen fdet nine ibcIim uorJisrlj from tue ceraer foi mod the ieteree ton of tne easterly sde of Prince 'tract an 1 tiir northerly side ef ft! yrte ave-aa man ug thence eaterij paraPel with Mvrt a aveane luxty tx feet, tnwvre urn-teeny parallel with Princv aircct e.guteen feet nine tncoea thence westerly again peastel wuh Mvrti arenae sixty Six feet to tue easterly trie of Prince street aad.
ihca southerly auaf tue said easter.y ride ef Priaij ctghtoen feet nine laches to tee point et place of bog ntung Dated Brook ff. T-A uirort 8 JLaW. CL2UU6 2L AitiJf F8ARL bSgactE. ft-oo-ft-A On Long island. CSTThe STANDARD-UNION may be obtained at all news depots and Post Of-lices; on the trains of the Dong Island Railroad and of the agents of the Dong Island News Company on the evening of publication.
Subscriptions will also be re ceived by the home office at G0 cents per mouth; per year, postpaid. Along the North River. ETThe STANDARD UNION may he obtained regularly at 4 P. M. at the news stands of all the downtown North River ferries, at those of the Sound steamers and of the.
Iron Steamboats 'rom Pier No. 1, North liver, fZT" Persons unable to oh in the STANDAB D-UNI at any ot the above places of sale will confer a tavor by informing this of-lice of tlio circumstances with details. 1 r. i.